Dear Blog Followers,
I don't care how many times my heart has been broken or how many messed up relationships there are out there. I still think being in the RIGHT relationship is one of the best things we can experience in life. We all have different definitions of right, so I'm not even going to define that. Who am I to judge anyways? I think Hollywood gets a lot of negative attention on marriages and relationships that have failed, but what about the couples that are actually living out a positive experience as the world watches them?
Lately, I have been watching old interviews of celebrity couples that I think are just great couples and I had to ask myself, what makes them so great? Here are the ones that I have enjoyed watching:
Emily Blunt and John Krasinski
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher
Faith Hill and Tim McGraw
Ok, so here are my observations and big take aways from them.
First off, I noticed that these people are really strong individuals. They seem to have experienced their own lives, have struggled on their own, and seem to be down to earth, private people. Something has clicked in me that 2 strong individuals make a really strong couple. They seem to have a direction with or without their partners. It doesn't seem that they are trying to mold into their partner and be someone that they are not. It seems they are who they and are individually respected and accepted for that.
The second observation, when they talked about their spouses they only talked about them in a positive way. The positives were about uplifting their partners and praising them. They would talk about the other how they are as parents, directors, actress', actors, etc. Sure when the camera is on it might be easy to cover the fights and down talking, but regardless it's a reminder to lift up your partner.
I hope in my next relationship I can continue to be a strong individual . I am all about being a team player and working as a partner, but if I rely on the next guy to fulfill my happiness, then I see that it's already set up to fail. I can say this because I have done that in past. It's too much unnecessary pressure to put on someone. You know how many times I didn't even know what I wanted and expected someone else to know for me and then get mad them, because they didn't know? It's a terrible cycle and I really think recognizing that would help a lot of relationships become healthier and stronger.
Also, I know in the past I have been so quick to put my partner down on the things they did wrong rather than really uplift them on what they are doing well. I'm not saying it's always going to be a walk through the park and if you do these things you'll have the most perfect relationship. I already know it's going to take a lot of work to hold my tongue, thoughts, etc. However, I really hope that we will bring each other good than look at our partner as a burden or mistake. And if you do look at your partner as a burden, well it takes small steps to change your perspective.
I have a lot more to say about my thoughts about relationships, especially while being abroad by myself I had A LOT of time to reflect. I can't wait to share with you, but for now let me know: Do you agree, disagree, have more to add, and who are your celebrity couples that you enjoy or just couples in general that you look up to?
These are things I had to say.