Thursday, May 3, 2018

Investing in your health

One of my first meals!

Dear Blog Followers,

I wanted to share some steps that I have decided to take in making changes to my health choices and I hope that you will find some encouragement in finding some steps that may work for you too.

Let me first start off by saying that investing in your health is investment. It's an investment in money, time, and overall lifestyle. Why does whole, natural food cost more than processed? I have no idea, but what I do know is that I am willing to pay the extra for the stuff that will help me feel better in the long run. 

The past couple months I have felt a little like the Mad Hatter without the Hatter part. I've been moody, anxious, and it's all because I'm running on a treadmill that is called, "satisfaction." One problem that I am having is that the button seems to be broken, because I can't get off of it. Is anyone out there? Does anyone else relate to this in some way?

So, instead of being stuck on this never ending dread-mill, I' mean treadmill,  I have decided to jump off of it.  Because, somewhere along the way, I lost feeling and now I'm on a quest to take back my joy, my dreams, and passions. 

Everything that I wrote in red above was truly how I was feeling before March 26. On March 26, I started a whole 30 diet, which was to help me reset my body, so that later on I could find foods that make my  body react. I broke my diet 3-4 times since then, but thankfully I still feel I'm doing ok with gathering the data that I'm hoping to gain from this experience. 

Some of you know that I was "diagnosed" with PCOS and for 11 years I have been dealing with specific symptoms. Doctors would tell me that there is no cure, but you can only treat the symptoms with one specific pill 😒.  Of course it would be the automatic response coming from a doctors mouth. It's never going to be that you have to change your lifestyle, eating habits, etc. I have a love/hate relationship with doctors and medicine, but I'll save that rant for another post. That pill that they recommended by the way was a band aide "solution" and it made me super depressed that there was no way I going to continue to be on it. 

I am glad that I questioned my doctors and looked further into other ways of getting treatment. I ended up hiring a nutritionist that I found through a family member and you guys won't believe it, but the symptoms that I have struggled with my whole life started to disappear. I can't completely confirm that all the symptoms are gone, because I'm still testing it and I won't know for another month or 2, but so far, I'm living a more balanced and normal life. 

I didn't do this journey by myself, because again, I have invested in my health.  I have received the help from a nutritionist, counselor, and an exercise class called, Barre, which have kept me accountable and focused on my health. I write this post to encourage you. Whatever you are going through, whether it's been for a short time or a really long time, my hope and prayer is that you don't give up in finding the help that you believe in. It took me 11 years to find someone that cared about my case, that asked more about my health and spent hours talking to me rather than asking about insurance and only seeing me for 15 minutes, if that. FIND THE HELP and pay the cost! It's your health on the line. You can have a life where you feel "normal" and energized, but it's up to YOU if you are going to make the change and invest in your health.

Let me know blog followers about your journeys, questions, or thoughts on this topic! I'll update you more about the rest of my journey soon.